VPN Sidecar Containers
For security reasons or to gain access to a remote network it might be required to give specific Kasm Workspaces access to a VPN. One way to do that would be to customize an existing Kasm core image with VPN tools, but then it requires many network level permissions and becomes a configuration nightmare. The Kasm team’s recommended configuration would be to use an off the shelf or custom VPN docker container running alongside Kasm Workspaces while leveraging the existing desktop and application containers. Their traffic can then be forced through the external VPN container using a custom Docker exec config. This document will be covering three different ways to achieve this.
Deployment time ~10 minutes.
Option 1 Create a standalone openvpn setup
This configuration is going to be using an off the shelf OpenVPN container for the server as the assumption is most users will already have an OpenVPN endpoint available. Then the example will show building a custom client container to act as the sidecar.
The OpenVPN server
Here kylemanna/openvpn is being used to be able to quickly spin up an endpoint on a remote server. Use the following commands to deploy and dump a usable client config file:
sudo docker volume create --name Kasm_vpn
sudo docker run -v Kasm_vpn:/etc/openvpn --rm kylemanna/openvpn ovpn_genconfig -u udp://IP_OR_HOSTNAME
sudo docker run -v Kasm_vpn:/etc/openvpn --rm -it kylemanna/openvpn ovpn_initpki
sudo docker run -v Kasm_vpn:/etc/openvpn -d -p 1194:1194/udp --cap-add=NET_ADMIN kylemanna/openvpn
sudo docker run -v Kasm_vpn:/etc/openvpn --rm -it kylemanna/openvpn easyrsa build-client-full Kasm nopass
sudo docker run -v Kasm_vpn:/etc/openvpn --rm kylemanna/openvpn ovpn_getclient Kasm > Kasm.ovpn
Please substitute the IP_OR_HOSTNAME
for the actual server IP or hostname for the server. After filling out the prompted information for password protecting the certificates the Kasm.ovpn
configuration file needed to connect the VPN sidecar client will be written to disk.
The OpenVPN sidecar container
Build a custom docker container to act as the VPN sidecar container on the Kasm Workspaces host.
mkdir openvpn-client
cd openvpn-client
mkdir root
Here is the Dockerfile
FROM debian:latest
RUN apt update && \
apt install -y \
iptables \
openvpn && \
apt clean
# add local files
COPY /root /
VOLUME [ "/vpn/config" ]
ENTRYPOINT [ "/entrypoint.sh" ]
And custom root/entrypoint.sh
#! /bin/sh
# create tun device
if [ ! -c /dev/net/tun ]; then
mkdir -p /dev/net
mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200
# Enable devices MASQUERADE mode
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o tun+ -j MASQUERADE
# start vpn client
openvpn --config /vpn/config/${VPN_CONFIG}
Make sure the entrypoint is executable:
chmod +x root/entrypoint.sh
The directory structure should look like this:
├─ root/
│ ├─ entrypoint.sh
├─ Dockerfile
Now build the container:
sudo docker build -t openvpn-client .
On the Docker host running Kasm Workspaces (or Agent Server if using a Mult-Server Deploy) create a custom docker network:
sudo docker network create \
--driver=bridge \
--opt icc=true \
--subnet= \
And finally navigate to the folder containing the Kasm.ovpn
config file and run the container:
sudo docker run -d \
--cap-add NET_ADMIN \
--name open-vpn \
--net vpn-1 \
--ip \
-e VPN_CONFIG=Kasm.ovpn \
-v $(pwd):/vpn/config \
--restart unless-stopped \
Customizing Workspaces
Login to the Workspaces web interface and click on “Workspaces -> Workspaces” from the Admin tab:

Workspaces Location Admin
Now select the arrow button next to the Workspace to be modified to use this network and select “Clone”:

Cloning a Workspace
This example will be modifying a AlmaLinux 8 desktop Workspace.
First rename the Friendly Name
to append that this is a special VPN enabled container AlmaLinux 8 - VPN
For some configurations it may be necessary to populate the DNS server addresses of the container. This will be indicated by DNS resolution failure inside the container.
This can be done by modifying the Docker Run Config Override (JSON)
and adding DNS server entries (This workspace already had the "hostname": "kasm"
populated in this field):
"dns": [
Here the public Google DNS servers are used, but these can be any DNS servers.
Next change the Docker Exec Config (JSON)
"cmd":"bash -c 'ip route delete default && ip route add default via'"
Then select “Restrict Image to Docker Network” and choose the network created in the previous step (vpn-1).
Once finished the Workspace settings should look something like this:

Workspace Network Settings
Click on Save and hop back over to the Workspaces tab. The new AlmaLinux 8 - VPN
workspace should be present:

User Dashboard Launch Button
OK the Workspace is ready to deploy, the same process can be followed for any of the Kasm Workspaces to pipe their network traffic through the VPN container.
Testing the VPN configuration in the container will vary depending on the provider or use case, but here are some tips.
These examples will be using the AlmaLinux 8 - VPN
Workspace configured earlier.
Finding the public IP OpenVPN
Click on Applications -> Terminal Emulator and enter:
curl icanhazip.com
Make sure the IP returned is not the current public IP of the Kasm Workspaces Agent the container is running on.
Option 2 using a popular VPN Vendor container
This example will be using an off the shelf VPN container here specifically geared for NordVPN, but the steps should be similar depending on the desired provider or configuration.
Setting up a VPN container
On the Docker host running Kasm Workspaces (or Agent Server if using a Mult-Server Deploy) first create a custom docker network:
docker network create \
--driver=bridge \
--opt icc=true \
--subnet= \
Now spinup a NordVPN Docker container: A NordVPN token is required and can be obtained following these instructions
docker run -d \
--cap-add NET_ADMIN \
--cap-add NET_RAW \
--name nord-vpn \
--net vpn-1 \
--ip \
-e TECHNOLOGY=NordLynx \
--restart unless-stopped \
Customizing Workspaces
Login to the Workspaces web interface and click on “Workspaces -> Workspaces” from the Admin tab:

Workspaces Location Admin
Now select the arrow button next to the Workspace to be modified to use this network and select “Clone”:

Cloning a Workspace
This example will be modifying a AlmaLinux 8 desktop Workspace.
First rename the Friendly Name
to append that this is a special VPN enabled container AlmaLinux 8 - VPN
For some configurations it may be necessary to populate the DNS server addresses of the container. This will be indicated by DNS resolution failure inside the container.
This can be done by modifying the Docker Run Config Override (JSON)
and adding DNS server entries (This workspace already had the "hostname": "kasm"
populated in this field):
"dns": [
Here the public Google DNS servers are used, but these can be any DNS servers.
Next change the Docker Exec Config (JSON)
"cmd":"bash -c 'ip route delete default && ip route add default via'"
Then select “Restrict Image to Docker Network” and choose the network created in the previous step (vpn-1).
Once finished the Workspace settings should look something like this:

Workspace Network Settings
Click on Save and hop back over to the Workspaces tab. The new AlmaLinux 8 - VPN
workspace should be present:

User Dashboard Launch Button
OK the Workspace is ready to deploy, the same process can be followed for any of the Kasm Workspaces to pipe their network traffic through the VPN container.
Testing the VPN configuration in the container will vary depending on the provider or use case, but here are some tips.
These examples will be using the AlmaLinux 8 - VPN
Workspace configured earlier.
Nord VPN Testing
Most VPN providers’ webpages will give some kind of indication that the browsing session is “protected” from their home page. This example uses a NordVPN, so open up Firefox from the desktop and navigate to https://nordvpn.com, The page should display a Protected

NordVPN Protected
Option 3 Tailscale
Tailscale is a zero configuration VPN solution that allows users to quickly connect to a network of remote computers by their Tailscale IP addresses. This example will be configuring a sidecar container to route traffic to the machines on the Tailscale network. It is important to note here this example does not configure an exit node here simply allowing configured VPN containers to route traffic out to the Tailscale network.
Getting the Tailscale auth key
Most users can skip this step when trying to connect Workspaces containers to existing Tailscale infrastructure. For those who are new to Tailscale sign up for an account with them here.
After signed up a login screen will be presented:

Add device Tailscale
Ignore the setup wizard and click the avatar on the top right of the screen and select “Billing”:

Billing Location
From here click on “Keys” under “Personal Settings”:

Keys Setting Location
Click on “Generate auth key…”:

Generate a Key
The Kasm team recommends setting “Reusable” and “Ephemeral” but ultimately review the settings and decide the best settings:

Generate Settings
Copy the key created and move on to the next step.
Setting up a Tailscale Docker container
On the Kasm Workspaces host build a custom docker container to act as the VPN sidecar container.
mkdir tailscale
cd tailscale
mkdir root
Here is the Dockerfile
FROM alpine:3.15
apk add --no-cache \
bind-tools \
# add local files
COPY /root /
ENTRYPOINT [ "/entrypoint.sh" ]
And custom root/entrypoint.sh
#! /bin/sh
# create tun device
if [ ! -c /dev/net/tun ]; then
mkdir -p /dev/net
mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200
# Enable devices MASQUERADE mode
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth+ -j MASQUERADE
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o tailscale+ -j MASQUERADE
# start vpn client
Make sure the entrypoint is executable:
chmod +x root/entrypoint.sh
The directory structure should look like this:
├─ root/
│ ├─ entrypoint.sh
├─ Dockerfile
Now build the container:
sudo docker build -t tailscaled .
On the Docker host running Kasm Workspaces (or Agent Server if using a Mult-Server Deploy) create a custom docker network:
sudo docker network create \
--driver=bridge \
--opt icc=true \
--subnet= \
Now spinup a Tailscale Docker container:
sudo docker run -d \
--cap-add NET_ADMIN \
--name tailscaled \
--net vpn-1 \
--ip \
--restart unless-stopped \
Now login using the auth key:
sudo docker exec tailscaled tailscale up --authkey=<AUTH KEY FROM PREVIOUS STEP>
Now navigate here and ensure the machine is listed:

Machine View
Customizing Workspaces
Login to the Workspaces web interface and click on “Workspaces -> Workspaces” from the Admin tab:

Workspaces Location Admin
Now select the arrow button next to the Workspace to be modified to use this network and select “Clone”:

Cloning a Workspace
This example will be modifying a AlmaLinux 8 desktop Workspace.
First rename the Friendly Name
to append that this is a special VPN enabled container AlmaLinux 8 - VPN
For some configurations it may be necessary to populate the DNS server addresses of the container. This will be indicated by DNS resolution failure inside the container.
This can be done by modifying the Docker Run Config Override (JSON)
and adding DNS server entries (This workspace already had the "hostname": "kasm"
populated in this field):
"dns": [
Here the public Google DNS servers are used, but these can be any DNS servers.
Next change the Docker Exec Config (JSON)
"cmd":"bash -c 'ip route delete default && ip route add default via'"
Then select “Restrict Image to Docker Network” and choose the network created in the previous step (vpn-1).
Once finished the Workspace settings should look something like this:

Workspace Network Settings
Click on Save and hop back over to the Workspaces tab. The new AlmaLinux 8 - VPN
workspace should be present:

User Dashboard Launch Button
OK the Workspace is ready to deploy, the same process can be followed for any of the Kasm Workspaces to pipe their network traffic through the VPN container.
Testing the VPN in the container will vary depending on the provider or use case, but here are some tips.
These examples will be using the AlmaLinux 8 - VPN
Workspace configured earlier.
Tailscale testing
An easy way to test is to simply run a ping to another device on the Tailscale network from the workspace. In order to test this at least one other device connected to the Tailscale network will be needed. From the Tailscale dashboard here the IPs of other connected devices can be seen. This example will be using
Assuming the Workspace is a modified desktop Workspace and in particular that this container is using the AlmaLinux 8 example from above. Once launched into the session go ahead and open a terminal from Applications -> Terminal Emulator:

Opening a Terminal
Now run a ping command:
There should be acks printed to the screen:

Ping Response
Any container with this configuration will have access to other machines on the connected Tailscale network.