Okta SAML Setup

Follow the steps in the Okta application setup

When asked for the SAML Settings.


Go To Kasm’s Saml configuration

  • Select Create New Configuration

Fill out the form:

  • Copy Entity ID from the configurations page in the “Audience URI (SP Entity ID)” field

  • Copy the Single Sign on Service from the configurations page to the Single sign on URL field

  • Copy Relay State to the default Relay State

  • Change Name ID format to EmailAddress

  • Optionally advanced settings can be set here and the Single Logout Service could be configured

Kasm SAML currently requires attributes to be returned in the SAML response unless security option wantAttributeStatement is false

  • Enter a user name attribute on the optional attributes section


Under Group Attribute Statements

  • If the users are to be automatically added to a group then this can be set to match the Service Provider Group Member Attribute field. It will match the name of the groups passed with the names of the group saml name in the group configuration

Select next and add an internal app

Once created the Sign On page will say “View Setup Instructions”

In this form copy the field into the Kasm Saml Configuration

  • Copy the Single Sign-On URL to the Identity Provider Single Sign On URL

  • Copy the Identity Provider Issuer to the Identity Provider Entity ID

  • Copy the x.509 Certificate to the Identity Provider x.509 Certificate. This may need to have the begin and end certificate lines removed

Then in Okta assign a user to the application

In Kasm Select the test SSO button at the bottom of the configuration form

If the connection works properly go to Settings in the Admin navigation bar

Select enable_saml from the settings and change it to true

Users will now be automatically routed to the Okta portal on first connection to the Kasm. Administrators can still sign in through https://hostname/#/staticlogin as normal