Listening Port

By default the Kasm Web Application will run on port 443. Administrators may which to change this for various reasons.


If Kasm will be deployed behind an reverse proxy, please consult the Reverse Proxy Guide for additional configurations steps.

Change Port During Installation

If you would like to run the Web Application on a different port pass the -L flag when calling the installer.

sudo bash kasm_release/ -L 8443

Change Port Post Installation

In this example we will update the Single Server deployment to utilize port 8443.


Changing the port of an existing installation will make existing sessions inaccessible. Administrators should destroy all existing sessions prior to making this change.

  • Log into the Kasm UI as an administrator.

    1. Log into the Kasm UI as an administrator.

    2. Select Zones.

    3. Select Edit next to each Zone.

    4. Change the Proxy Port setting to the desired value. (e.g 8443)

    5. Click Submit.


    Proxy Port Zone Configuration

  • Stop All Kasm services.

    sudo /opt/kasm/current/bin/stop
  • Update the with the desired port.

    sudo sed -i "s/public_port.*/public_port: 8443/g" /opt/kasm/current/conf/app/
    • (Optional) Verify the changes with the following command.

      sudo grep public_port /opt/kasm/current/conf/app/
        public_port: 8443
        public_port: 8443
  • Update the Kasm Nginx proxy configuration to listen on the desired port.

    sudo sed -i "s/listen.*/listen 8443 ssl ;/g" /opt/kasm/current/conf/nginx/orchestrator.conf
    • (Optional) Verify the changes with the following command.

      sudo grep listen /opt/kasm/current/conf/nginx/orchestrator.conf
        listen 8443 ssl ;
  • Update the docker-compose.yaml to export the desired port for kasm_proxy container.

    sudo sed -i "s/- \"443:443\"/- \"8443:8443\"/g"  /opt/kasm/current/docker/docker-compose.yaml
    • (Optional) Verify the changes with the following command.

      sudo grep kasm_proxy -A5 /opt/kasm/current/docker/docker-compose.yaml
        container_name: kasm_proxy
        image: "kasmweb/nginx:latest"
          - "8443:8443"
          - kasm_default_network
  • Remove the kasm_proxy container so it can be recreated using the updated port mapping.

    sudo docker rm -f kasm_proxy
  • Start All Kasm services.

    sudo /opt/kasm/current/bin/start
  • Log into the Kasm UI. Create a new Kasm Session to verify configurations.