KasmVNC 1.0.0
This is the first official release of KasmVNC. The previous version was he pre-release 0.9.3. The features and bug fixes are relative to the previous release.
WebRTC UDP transit support with support of STUN servers
Lossless compression using multi-threaded WASM QOI decoder client side
Significantly improved FPS through both client-side and server-side improvements.
Support for the admin to define arbitrary response headers for the built in web server
Support for additional mouse buttons (back, forward, etc)
Refinement of vncserver checks and user prompts
Added /api/send_full_frame to developer API, forces full frame to be sent to all connected users that have at least read permission.
Extreme Quality Preset mode not working properly
Fix for manual clipboard multi-byte unicode characters
Seamless clipboard fix for Chrome based browsers