--- myst: html_meta: "description lang=en": "Kasm Workspaces version 1.9.0 release notes. New features, usability enhancements, new Docker containers, and bugfixes." "keywords": "release, 1.9" "property=og:locale": "en_US" --- ```{title} What's new in Kasm 1.9.0 ``` # What's new in Kasm 1.9.0 ## Features - Kasm Server and Kasm Cloud now re-branded as **Kasm Workspaces**. - Updated user interface design. - Expanded list of {doc}`default desktop and application images <../guide/custom_images>` including **Core** Images for CentOS, Ubuntu, Kali, REMnux, and NVIDIA CUDA. All Images are now open-source. - Renamed **-edge** tags to **-rolling** - Added {doc}`Session Staging <../guide/staging>` to allow Administrators to pre-create session containers for faster user access. - Added {doc}`Session Casting <../guide/casting>`. Administrators can expose custom URLs that will automatically launch Kasm sessions. The Casting URLs can optionally be used without authentication. - Agents can now be configured to {doc}`Automatically Prune Images<../guide/agent_settings>`. - Added the ability to clone an Image. - Added **Require GPU** and select **GPU Count** support in {doc}`Image Setting<../guide/custom_images>`. The system will now report the GPUs discovered on the Agent. - Added **Allow Network Selection** to {doc}`Image Setting<../guide/custom_images>`. When enabled, users will be able to select the Docker network the session is created on. - Added **Categories** to {doc}`Image Setting<../guide/custom_images>` to allow Images to be grouped on the user dashboard. - {doc}`Web Filter Policies <../guide/web_filtering>` can now be assigned to Images. Image policies take priority over those assigned to Group Settings. - Added **enable_ui_server_logging** {doc}`Group Setting <../guide/groups>`. If enabled, log messages will be sent from client browser to the Kasm Workspaces servers. - Added **display_ui_errors** {doc}`Group Setting <../guide/groups>`. If enabled, detailed information will be displayed on the client browser in the event of an error. - Added **allow_zone_selection** {doc}`Group Setting <../guide/groups>` to allow users to select the {doc}`Deployment Zone <../guide/zones/deployment_zones>` for new sessions. - Added **session_time_limit** {doc}`Group Setting <../guide/groups>` and {doc}`Image Setting<../guide/custom_images>`. If configured, sessions will automatically expired after a set amount of time. A countdown timer will be displayed to the user. - Added **dashboard_redirect** {doc}`Group Setting <../guide/groups>`. If configured, standard users will be redirected to the defined external website instead of being shown the main dashboard screen. - Updated the {code}`get_user`{doc}`API <../developers/developer_api>` to support sending the username. - Added **Keepliave** to the {doc}`Developer API <../developers/developer_api>` allowing developers extend the lifetime of a session. - Added **Splash Background URL** and **Login Splash Background URL** to {doc}`Custom Branding <../how_to/branding>` - Added **Anonymous User Expiration (hours)** {doc}`Global Setting <../guide/settings>` to automatically purge anonymous user accounts. - {code}`kasm_proxy` access logs are now emitted as JSON and auto rotated. See {ref}`file-logs` for more details. ## Bugfixes - Unhandled errors experienced in the Kasm UI will optionally be displayed and logged to the server for administrator analysis. - Removed X and via headers from Web Filter proxy. - Fixed issue where the system would report a locally built image with multiple tags as unavailable. - Fixed SAML logout error with IdPs that utilized {code}`nameIdEncrypted`. - The **Available Slots** would be reported incorrectly on the **Zones** page.