--- myst: html_meta: "description lang=en": "Kasm Workspaces single server installation instructions." "keywords": "Kasm, Single, Server, Setup" "property=og:locale": "en_US" --- ```{title} Single Server Installation ``` # Single Server Installation The simplest way to deploy Kasm Workspaces is to install all application services on a single server. End-user sessions will also be provisioned on this server. All interior {term}`docker ` communication occurs within the single server and there are no special configurations required. Please read through the entire process before getting started. For help please see [Help and Support](../install/support.md). ```{figure} /images/single_install/single_install2.png :align: center **Single Server Architecture** ``` ````{dropdown} Ports and Protocols :animate: fade-in In the Single Server configurations all services communicate via internal {term}`docker ` networks. Only access to the {term}`Web Application ` needs to be exposed. ```{eval-rst} +----------+-----------------+------+-----------------+ | Source | Destination | Port | Notes | +----------+-----------------+------+-----------------+ | End User | Kasm Workspaces | 443 | Web Application | +----------+-----------------+------+-----------------+ ``` ```` ## Installation Guide Please review the {doc}`System Requirements <../install/system_requirements>` before beginning. ```{include} /install/sizing_guide_tip.md ``` - Download the latest version of Kasm Workspaces to `/tmp` - Extract the package and run the installation script. `````{tabs} ````{tab} Standard Install ```{parsed-literal} cd /tmp curl -O {{ release_url }} tar -xf {{ release_url.split('/') | last }} sudo bash kasm_release/install.sh ``` ```` ````{tab} Offline Install x86-64 ```{parsed-literal} cd /tmp curl -O {{ release_url }} curl -O {{ amd_service_images_url }} curl -O {{ amd_workspace_images_url }} tar -xf {{ release_url.split('/') | last }} sudo bash kasm_release/install.sh --offline-workspaces /tmp/{{ amd_workspace_images_url.split('/') | last }} --offline-service /tmp/{{ amd_service_images_url.split('/') | last }} ``` ```` ````{tab} Offline Install arm64 ```{parsed-literal} cd /tmp curl -O {{ release_url }} curl -O {{ arm_service_images_url }} curl -O {{ arm_workspace_images_url }} tar -xf {{ release_url.split('/') | last }} sudo bash kasm_release/install.sh --offline-workspaces /tmp/{{ arm_workspace_images_url.split('/') | last }} --offline-service /tmp/{{ arm_service_images_url.split('/') | last }} ``` ```` ````` ```{include} /install/default_login.md ``` ````{dropdown} Licensing the server during install? ```{include} /install/activation_key_install_note.md ``` ```` ````{dropdown} Need to install Kasm on a different port? ```{note} If you would like to run the Web Application on a different port pass the **-L** flag when calling the installer. e.g `sudo bash kasm_release/install.sh -L 8443` ``` ```` ## Install Video Tutorial This video walks through installing Kasm Workspaces on a single system. ```{raw} html ``` ```{include} /install/slim_images.md ``` ## Install troubleshooting The install.sh script creates a log file as it runs, this file is removed upon completion of a successful installation. However, if something does go wrong the logfile will be available from the directory the install.sh script was executed from in the format *kasm_install_${TIMESTAMP}.log*. This file will be important for diagnosing the error that caused the installation to fail and will be requested when submitting a support ticket with Kasm Technologies.