.. title:: Persistent Profiles Persistent Profiles =================== Administrators may desire to give each user a personal persistent profile that is restored during each creation of a Kasm. When configured, the user's home directory will be stored at the specified location and mapped in each time the user loads the images. Administrators must use the ``{username}`` or ``{user_id}`` variables in the mapping to ensure they are unique per user. * Configure the persistent profile path on the :term:`Image`. .. figure:: /images/persistent_profiles/persistent_profiles.png :width: 90% :align: center **Configuring the persistent profile path on an Image** .. note:: If Kasm is installed in a multi-server deployment path should reference a shared data storage solution (e.g NFS, HDFS, GFS, SMB, SSHFS) to ensure data continuity. Administrators must ensure this path is accessible from the hosts of all Agent services. Kasm will create the directory if it does not exist. * Enable the use of persistent profiles on the desired user Group(s). See `Group Setting <../guide/groups.html#group-settings>`_ for more details. .. figure:: /images/persistent_profiles/persistent_profiles_group_setting.png :width: 80% :align: center **Enabling Persistent Profiles at the Group Level** * Utilize a persistent profile with creating a Kasm .. figure:: /images/persistent_profiles/persistent_profiles_kasm_selection.png :width: 90% :align: center **Using a persistent profile** When creating a Kasm, the user will now be presented with a **Persistent Profile** Option. Multiple Settings are available. * Enabled The persistent profile path defined on the image will be loaded when creating the Kasm. * Disabled The persistent profile will **NOT** be loaded with the Kasm is created * Reset The existing persistent profile will be deleted and re-created. The is useful if the user desires to clear old profile data and start fresh.