.. title:: IME Support IME Support ---------------------- Input Method Editor (IME) allows for a user to input characters not represented on a standard QWERTY keyboard. .. figure:: /images/ime/kasm_ime.gif When IME is enabled Kasm is able to detect what and utilize IME in the Kasm Workspace. 1. There are two ways to enable IME mode in a Kasm session. 1. Open the control panel on the left side of the Kasm Desktop Session using the three dots, select Configure, then enable IME Input Mode. .. figure:: /images/ime/ime_settings.png 2. There is a group setting *kasm_ime_mode_default_on* that when set to *true* will automatically enable IME mode for any user in the group when they start a Kasm session. For more information see `group settings <../guide/groups.html#group-settings>`_ .. figure:: /images/ime/ime_group_setting.png :scale: 75% 2. Your operating system's IME should now be visible when you type in your session. .. figure:: /images/ime/ime_example.png