--- myst: html_meta: "description lang=en": "Kasm Workspaces user management and settings. " "keywords": "Kasm, Workspace, Users, Clients" "property=og:locale": "en_US" --- ```{title} Users ``` # Users Users must first be added to the server and then added to a group to manage their permissions. User permissions can be set by updating the group settings found [here.](groups.md#group-settings). By default Anonymous users are hidden, if you wish to see them, click on the dropdown next to Add User and pick between, Hide Anonymous, Show Anonymous and Only Anonymous. ## Create User - Select **Access Management > Users** from the navigation menu. - Select **Add User** from the top right of the **Users** table. ```{figure} /images/users/create_user.webp :align: center **Creating a new user** ``` - Fill out Users information with User properties below. ## User Properties ```{eval-rst} +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | User Name | Username for login | +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Password | Password for login | +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | First Name | User's first name | +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Last Name | User's last name | +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Realm | SSO that the user belongs too (local, LDAP, SAML, OIDC) | +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Notes | Notes about user | +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Locked | Lock account | +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Disabled | The account is disabled. The user cannot login or authenticate until | | | re-enabled by an administrator. | +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Reset Two Factor Authentication Secret | Reset the 2FA secret. The users will be required to re-initialize the | | | 2FA upon next login. | +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Force Password Reset on Login | Force the user to change their password on the next login. This setting | | | applies only to local accounts. | +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Organization | Organization Name | +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Last Session | Last login time | +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Phone | Phone number | +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | City | City | +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | State | State | +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Country | Country | +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Email | Email address | +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Custom Attribute 1 | Attribute to be used for custom purposes. | +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Custom Attribute 2 | Attribute to be used for custom purposes. | +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Custom Attribute 3 | Attribute to be used for custom purposes. | +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ``` ## Add User to Group - Select **Access Management > Groups** from navigational menu. - Select **Edit** from the arrow menu of the group you want to add the user. - Select the **Users** Tab. - Select **Add User** from Users in Groups table. ```{figure} /images/users/add_user_group.webp :align: center **Users in Group** ``` - Select the user you wish to add from dropdown menu and click **Submit**. ```{figure} /images/users/add_user.webp :align: center **Adding a user to a group** ``` ## User Settings Users have the ability to change settings by visiting their profile. - Auto Launch Session. Automatically launch a session when the user logs in. Kasm Workspaces will use the configured **Default Workspace Image**. - Chat Sound Effects. Enable Sound effects for chats during shared sessions. - Default Workspace Image. The Default Kasm Image to use. This is the Image that is used for the **/go** URL, clicking the **Launch Now** menu item, and for **Auto Launch Session**. This item overrides the corresponding group setting if defined. - Show Tips During Session. By default the user is shown a Tip that describes how to find and use the control panel. This tip can be suppressed by setting this item to false. - Toggle Control Panel. Open and close the control panel within a Kasm session by pressing the *Ctrl* key twice. - Theme. Select the Kasm Workspaces app theme, there is also an *auto* setting that will use the OS setting of the user's local computer. ```{figure} /images/users/user_settings.JPG :align: center **User Settings** ``` ## User Permissions The users permissions tab gives a breakdown of the resultant permissions a user has based on the groups they are a part of. If you want to give specific permissions you will need to create a group with those permissions and add the user to that group. In order to change the permissions: - Select **Access Management > Groups** from navigational menu. - Select **Edit** from the arrow menu of the group you want to modify the permissions of (or create a group). - Select the **Permissions** Tab. - Click the **Add Permissions** button. A full list of the options available is [here.](groups.md#group-permissions) ```{figure} /images/users/user_permissions.webp :align: center **User Permissions** ``` ## User File Mappings File Mappings allow the administrator to manage files to be mapped to the inside of a user's container based Workspace session. File Mappings can be defined on a User, Group, and/or Workspace. See the primary documentation on {doc}`File mappings ` for more details. ```{note} User defined File Mappings can only be defined by the administrator. ``` ```{figure} /images/images/file_mappings.webp :align: center **File Mappings Table** ``` The following is an example File Mapping of a Chrome Managed Policy to define bookmarks in Chrome. ```{figure} /images/images/file_mapping.png :align: center **File Mapping Definition** ```