--- myst: html_meta: "description lang=en": "Customize Login settings for Kasm Workspaces to display specific providers and messages." "keywords": "Kasm, Login, Configurations" "property=og:locale": "en_US" --- ```{title} Login Configurations ``` # Login Configurations Kasm offers several alternate authentication methods for users with either [Two Factor](two_factor), [SAML 2.0](saml_authentication) or [LDAP](ldap) integration. ```{figure} /images/login/login_page.webp :align: center **Login with Banner and Help Link** ``` ## Login Notice The login notice is a message displayed at the bottom of the login form. This message can be configured using the **Notice Title** and **Notice Message** in the global {doc}`Settings `. This message can be used to display a legal notice, terms of service, and other information that needs to be displayed to a user prior to login. ## Login Assistance Login assistance can be setup for users giving them an easily accessible link on the login page. The login help page must be created in a separate link that can be passed to the login panel through the login_assistance [Setting](settings) under the Authentication section. ```{note} Change this setting back to 'None' to hide the login assistance link. ```