--- myst: html_meta: "description lang=en": "Minimum and standard Kasm Workspaces settings can be tuned to fit specific server and desktop application requirements." "keywords": "Kasm, Performance, Tuning, Configuration, Setup" "property=og:locale": "en_US" --- ```{title} Kasm Performance ``` # Kasm Performance The individual {term}`Workspaces ` can be configured for the desired resource utilization of the server. To learn how to configure the individual Workspaces go to {doc}`Workspaces `. To learn how to tune Kasm resources to handle more concurrent sessions, see {doc}`Agents `. ## Minimum Kasm Settings These settings can be used to save the most resources on the server and bandwidth. > - Setting the video settings to low > - disabling audio > - Max resolution of 1024 x 768 > - Firefox only container > - 0.5 core and 768 MB of RAM ## Standard Kasm Settings These settings can be used to provide a good default user experience. > - Setting the video settings to medium > - Enabling Audio > - No Resolution restriction > - 1.5 core and 2 GB of RAM