--- myst: html_meta: "description lang=en": "Kasm Workspaces Import System Configurations" "keywords": "Kasm, Import, Backup, Restore" "property=og:locale": "en_US" --- ```{title} Importing System Configuration ``` ## Importing System Configuration Administrators are also able to import the systems entire configuration. The format for the configuration yaml, is the same format provided by the configuration export. See {ref}`config-export` for more details. Please note, the entire system configuration is replaced with the contents of the file provide. **The import does not add to the exiting running config - it replaces it**. This process is analogous to a database restore operation. As such, only exports from the same application/database version are compatible. Please see {ref}`schema-version` for more info. 1. Log into the Workspace UI as an administrator. 2. From the Admin panel, select **Diagnostics** -> **System Info** from the menu. 3. Navigate to the **Import/Export Config** tab and Click the **Import Config** button in the Import Configuration section. ```{figure} /images/import_export/import_export_config.webp :align: center **Import Configuration** ``` 4. Add the import zip file and the password for the zip. ```{figure} /images/import_export/import_config.webp :align: center **Add Configuration** ``` 5. If successful, all previous configurations will be removed and replaced with those in the provided config. This may cause the admin to be logged out.