--- myst: html_meta: "description lang=en": "Configuration guide for Kasm Workspaces group settings." "keywords": "Kasm, Group, Settings" "property=og:locale": "en_US" --- ## Group Permissions Groups have an optional list of permissions attached to them. When a user logs in, all permissions across all groups the user is a member of are aggregated and determine what actions a user is authorized for. There are two built in groups, `Administrators` and `All Users`. The Administrators group has the Global Admin permission while the built-in `All Users` group has the User permission. All users are automatically a member of the `All Users` group. To configure group settings: - Log into the UI as an administrator. - Select **Groups** - Next to the desired group select **Edit** from the actions menu. ```{figure} /images/groups/edit_group.webp :align: center **Edit Group** ``` - Select the **Permissions** tab to view and edit the permissions applied to the group. ```{figure} /images/groups/group_permissions.webp :align: center **Group Settings** ``` ```{include} /guide/groups/common_permissions.md ```