--- myst: html_meta: "description lang=en": "Kasm Workspaces version 1.16.1 release notes. New features, usability enhancements, new Docker containers, and bugfixes." "keywords": "Release, 1.16.1" "property=og:locale": "en_US" --- ```{title} What's new in Kasm 1.16.1 ``` # What's new in Kasm 1.16.1 ## Highlights - Added webauthn passthrough for RDP local client sessions. ## Features - **Usability Enhancements** - Added sort by name, date and size to downloads in a workspaces control panel. - Boolean group settings can now be toggled on and off. - Context and system information can now be included when exporting a single log entry, which should help when support is needed. - Updated the global PWA to use branding values. Html title sets the PWA name and favicon sets the PWA icon. Icons must be square else the PWA will not be installable. - **Infrastructure Support Enhancements** - Added ability to override `name` and `sAMAccount` LDAP Attributes in [ADSync](../guide/ldap.md#ad-sync) feature. - Updated Kasm Agent component to use http 1.1 for internal authentication API calls. - Updated Kasm service images to use Python 3.12. - **Kasm Image Enhancements** - Updated Gamepad, Kasm Squid, Upload, Session Recording, Microphone, Printer and Webcam services to Python 3.12. - Added [RHEL 9 Core](https://hub.docker.com/r/kasmweb/core-rhel-9) image for x86_64/aarch64. - Added [RHEL 9 Desktop](https://hub.docker.com/r/kasmweb/rhel-9-desktop) image for x86_64/aarch64. - **Kasm Desktop Service** - Updated Windows Service to Python 3.12. - Enhanced logging in the Kasm Desktop Service for improved troubleshooting and visibility. ## Bugfixes - Added missing "Settings Modify Auth Captcha" permission to [Group Permissions](../guide/groups/group_permissions.md). - PWAs now use the stored value for persistent profiles on an image when launching a session. The stored value is also per Workspace. - Fixed hiding control panel, either when set in casting configs or when all control panel options are disabled in group settings. - Fixed issue where workspaces were not resuming after being expired when using "pause" or "stop" as the expiration action. - Fixed resume button stuck spinning when launching workspaces in a new tab. - Fixed issue where users could sign in with a different username when using SSO. - Fixed race condition on startup of service containers on slower systems. - Fixed upgrade script's --use-rolling-images option, it was previously only functional for the Agent role. - Fixed "Instance is not bound to a Session" exception that could occur intermittently when autoscaling. - Fixed uploads and downloads for web native Windows sessions that use a hostname instead of an IP address for the Windows server. - Fixed silent install of Windows Service. ## Rolling Bug Fixes The following fixes have been made in the [rolling](../guide/custom_images.md#rolling-docker-images) tagged versions of the Kasm Workspaces container images. - **Kasm Service Images** - Fixed bug resulting in unhealthy auto-scaled servers from not getting deleted after the host dead expiration. - (12/04/2024) Fixed errors that could occur when [Managed Egress Accounts](../guide/egress.md#managed-egress-providers) are updated. - (01/06/2025) Updated Autoscale Orphan cleanup check to better identify VMs that have missing Autoscale config associations. - (01/27/2025) Increased the allowable length of the JWT token used for RDP local client authentication. - (02/28/2025) Added measures to prevent a race condition between creating a workspace session and the autoscale manager destroying the session's server due to the latter not being used - **Kasm UI** - (12/13/2024) Fixed bug that caused downloads from the session control panel with certain special characters to fail. - **Docker Network Plugin** - (12/04/2024) Fixed an issue that prevented OpenVPN from working when using [Egress](../guide/egress.md) on systems with `runc` versions `1.2.0` or later. See [Upgrading Docker Network Plugin](../guide/egress.md#upgrading-docker-network-plugin) for details on how to apply the fix to an existing installation. - **Licensing Enhancements** - (2/19/2025) Added support for Licenses that only grant connections to [Managed Egress Providers](../guide/egress.md#managed-egress-providers). ### Windows Service Updates **1.5.ae81330b0** - Update API JWT token periodically, caused service to stop functioning after JWT token expired. **1.6.5972ac21d** - Fixed centralized logging failing after JWT token is updated.