"description lang=en": "Manage historic sessions in Kasm Workspaces"
"keywords": "Kasm, Sessions, Session History"
"property=og:locale": "en_US"
```{title} Session History
# Session History
Administrators can view historic sessions by visiting the Sessions / History page from the Admin panel.
```{figure} /images/sessions/session_history.webp
:align: center
**Session History**
Clicking the arrow for the session will present a list of potential actions:
```{figure} /images/sessions/history_preview_option.webp
:align: center
- **Download** - Downloads all the video files for the historic section in a ZIP file.
- **Preview** - Opens a popup that allows you to preview the video files for the session. It also gives information such as duration and allows you to download individual clips.
```{figure} /images/sessions/history_preview.webp
:align: center
**Session Preview**
## Recording sessions
In order to record sessions there are a couple of steps that need to be followed.
### Set up S3 Storage
Storage must be set up first, if you are using persistent profiles, this may already be done as the same credentials are used for both.
### Set the recording location
Set the session recording details, defaults are set for most of the inputs, but you will need to specify the upload location.
### Enable session recording in group settings
The final piece of the puzzle is to enable session recording in group settings. Go to Access Management / Groups, Edit the group you want to record. Click the Settings tab, Click Add Settings button and type `record_sessions` then set the value to True and Click Submit